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Lending against collateral – why should collateral value matter for banks/financial institutions?

The last couple of years have seen significant progress in the appreciation of the basic principles that lay the foundation for sound lending practices and the integrity of the financial services sector. The banking industry is one of the main drivers of the country..

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Werksmans Attorneys

The delinquent director: No tolerance for errant directors?

Errant company directors who fail to comply with their obligations set out in the Companies Act, 2008 (Companies Act), face the prospect of being declared “delinquent” under certain circumstances. As a director, the possibility of being declared delinquent under the Compa..

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Moira Mukuka Legal Practitioners

Public Private Partnership Bill 2023: Identification of PPP Projects

To enhance transparency and long-term sustainability in the procurement of solicited PPP projects, the PPP Bill proposes a more robust framework and approval process for contracting authorities for projects that have been identified as suitable for development as PPPs. In..

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Kenya: The High Court and the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner issue decisions on complaints and the right to privacy in the use of CCTV cameras

With the increasing awareness of the Kenyan Data Protection Act (DPA) comes an increasing amount of precedents being set by both the courts and the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC).

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MMAKS Advocates

Towards a vibrant mining sector in Uganda: a review of the new Mining and Minerals Act

Uganda is a mineral-rich country with vast deposits of gold, uranium, limestone, marble, graphite, iron, copper, and cobalt, among others. Whereas its mining sector once accounted for 30% of the country’s export earnings in the 1950’s and 1960’s, today the sector’s ..

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The private use of cannabis, workplace testing policies and discrimination

In the wake of the landmark decision in Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and others v Prince and others (“Prince III”) which resulted in South Africa’s legalisation of the private use of cannabis, the interaction be..

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Immediate Taxpayer Considerations for July 2023 After Lifting of Finance Act, 2023 Suspension

>In June 2023, the Finance Act of 2023 (the Act) brought significant changes to Kenya’s taxation statutes. However, the Act faced a suspension due to a constitutional petition, causing uncertainty for taxpayers. A Court of Appeal ruling on 28 July 2023 has now lifted the ..
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Moira Mukuka Legal Practitioners

Zambian Refines Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Model

Parliament is expected to usher in a more robust public-private partnership (“PPP”) framework in 2023 and is currently considering the Public Private Partnership Bill (the “PPP Bill”) which came up for first reading on 28 July 2023. Leading up to this Bill, government has em..
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FB Attorneys

A 360 Second Glimpse of the Finance Act

On 26 June 2023, the National Assembly of the United Republic of Tanzania passed the Finance Bill, 2022. The said Bill was assented to by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania on 30 June 20..

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