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MC&A Advogados

Mozambican New Electricity Law

The Mozambican Assembly of the Republic approved a new electricity law (Law 12/2022), which will be in force as from October 10.


The main purpose of this law is to adapt the existent legislation (namely Law 21/97, which is revoked) to the actual Moz..

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Werksmans Attorneys

Small mergers in digital markets are on the Competition Commission’s radar – Final guidelines on small merger notification

The Competition Commission of South Africa (Commission) recently published its final guidelines on small merger notification (Final Guidelines), approximately sixteen months after the Commission issued a draft for public comment.  The Final Guidelines expand on the t..

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Vazi Legal

The Impact of Fintech on Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

The fintech industry in Nigeria has helped to expedite financial inclusion. To this end, over 20 million new bank accounts have been opened via traditional banks and fintech companies since 2020, bringing the total banked population in Nigeria..

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Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa & Ankomah

Ghana: Amendment to the Petroleum Local Content Regulations

On 17 February 2022, the Petroleum (Local Content and Local Participation) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 (LI 2435) (the Amendment Regulations) was passed to mark the first amendment to Ghana’s famed Petroleum (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulations, 2013..

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Spoor & Fisher

New trade mark legislation in Zambia – The Trade Marks Bill 2022

Zambia has published the Trade Marks Bill 2022 (‘the Bill’) that will, when passed, fundamentally change Zambian trade mark law. It should be noted that it is unclear what stage this bill has reached in parliament.


As anyone who has filed trade mark..

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ALP East Africa

Amendments to Companies and Insolvency Laws in Uganda

The 2022 amendments to companies and insolvency laws seek to streamline operations of companies (and insolvent companies and individuals) by addressing inadequacies as well as administrative and operational shortcomings in the laws.

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South Africa: Beware when acquiring tailings dams as part of a mine or mineral processing facility

The possibility of tailings dam failure, highlighted by the recent Jagersfontein tragedy, highlights the need for particular care when assessing the risks of a transaction in the mining and minerals processing sectors.

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Clyde & Co.

Tanzania National Payment Systems Act amendments

In July 2021, mobile money transfer levies were introduced by the Tanzanian Government as a new strategy for collecting revenue in an effort to raise an estimated TZS 1.254 trillion for the financial year 2021/2022. These measures were implemented through the amendment of..

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New deadline looms for non-residential property owners

Come 7 December 2022, a substantial proportion of South Africa’s non-residential buildings will be required to submit and display an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). The requirement, which was gazetted in December 2020, is aimed at making buildings in South Africa mo..

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