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MMAN Advocates

The Collateralisation of Intellectual Property Rights

The Moveable Property Security Rights Act, 2017 provides for the registration of security rights in moveable properties. Prior to 2017, individuals and entities with no tangible assets had difficulty in accessing cr..

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N. Dowuona & Company

Ghana's New Insurance Act, 2021 (Act 1061)

Parliament recently passed the Insurance Act, 2021 (Act 1061) to replace the Insurance Act, 2006 (Act 724) and to provide for the regulation and supervision of the insurance market. Act 1061 creates three main licence categories under which ..

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How does the indoor management rule in company law apply in Uganda?

The indoor management rule is a common principle, codified in Ugandan law. However, recent decisions from courts have applied the rule inconsistently, and have been a cause of concern as to what reliance can be placed on a company resolution by a party contracting w..

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Clyde & Co.

Doing business in Tanzania: New legislative developments

In this article, we summarise the key legislative amendments made by the Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) Act of 2021 (the 2021 Written Laws) which became operational on 14 July 2021. These changes may directly or indirectly impact investors and locals..

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Can You Be Held Liable For Your Social Media Posts?

For many people social media has provided a safe space to voice their opinions without the fear of being judged or ridiculed. It has allowed people to exercise their right to freedom of expression on a public platform amongst like-minded people. Although, many peopl..

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Contracts of Employment and Limitation Laws: is The National Industrial Court Rewriting the Law?

As a general principle, limitation laws apply to all civil actions. Consequently, once an action is caught by a limitation law, it cannot be sustained, and a court is divested of the jurisdiction to entertain it.


However recently, the National Indus..

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Goldsmiths Solicitors

How a Foreigner can Register a Local Company in Nigeria

Nigeria operates a free-market economy and there are no restrictions on foreigners setting up companies in Nigeria. Subject to the laws of Nigeria, a foreign individual or entity can set up a fully owned company in Nigeria and operate, emplo..

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Vieira de Almeida & Associados

Accession of Angola to the Washington Convention (ICSID Convention)

The National Assembly of Angola has approved Angola’s accession to the Convention for the Settlement of Disputes arising from Foreign Investment Contracts between States and Nationals of Other States concluded in 1966 and otherwise known as ..

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Webber Wentzel

Managing mental health issues in the workplace

Managing mental health related issues in the workplace can be difficult. Employers should manage employees with mental health related issues carefully and fairly, working with, rather than against, employees with mental health related issues. This may alleviate the need t..

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