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KN Law

The Capital Markets (Investment-Based Crowdfunding) Regulations, 2022

The Capital Markets (Investment-Based Crowdfunding) Regulations, 2022 (the “Regulations”) have been gazetted. The Regulations enable start-ups and growing businesses to raise money from individuals or entities to either finance a project or business through crowdfunding p..

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IBN Immigration Solutions

Trusted Employer Scheme Announced

During the annual South Africa Investment Conference (SAIC) on April 13, 2023, President Cyril Ramaphosa unveiled plans for an overhaul of the work visa system. The goal of this initiative is to attract the skills required to boost investment and achieve the president’s o..

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Kanokanga & Partners

Medical Cannabis In Zimbabwe

The growing and selling of cannabis for medical and research purposes became legal in Zimbabwe in 2018 after the government gave the green light to farmers and investors alike. This made Zimbabwe the second African state to do so.


The growing of med..

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New Legal Framework for Electronic Communication and Processing of Tax Proceedings and Tax Enforcement Actions

Presidential Decree 95/23 was published on 6 April and approves the new legal framework for electronic communication and processing of tax proceedings and tax enforcement actions. It also repeals Presidential Decree 232/19 of 22 July and Article 9(4) of Presidential Decre..

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Webber Wentzel

South Africa's Potential Copyright Calamity

South Africa’s Copyright Amendment Bill and Performers Protection Amendment Bill could potentially harm rather than help the creative industry and needs serious reconsideration.

Copyright serves two broad functions in society. It reassures business and investors th..

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Regulation of Digital Money Lenders and Protection of Privacy Rights in Nigeria

Over the past few years, Digital Money Lenders have become increasingly common in Nigeria, as traditional financial institutions have more stringent requirements for providing loans to customers.

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An Overview of the Secured Transactions in Movable Assets Act

Financial institutions in Nigeria prefer immovable assets, like land, as security for loan repayment over movable assets. This is partially because lands and land transactions are regulated, and standard registries are established to keep records of all transactions, inte..

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FB Attorneys

Borrower Held Liable for Outstanding Balance on Insufficient Mortgaged Security

On 12 April 2023, the Court of Appeal (COA) reaffirmed its previous position regarding liability of the borrower who pledged a security that turned out to be insufficient at the time of realization of the property. The factual background of the case is that the bank had s..

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Don’t have an “app”cident: SA and UK authorities crack down on employers for personal information breaches through apps

The need to protect personal information is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide, and the consequences for failing to do so are becoming more stringent. Recently, the UK's Information Commissioner's Office reprimanded the Surrey and Sussex Police for data protection ..

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