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South Africa: New earnings threshold and minimum wage to come into effect on 1 March 2022

On 1 March 2022, we will see the implementation of an increased annual earnings threshold in the amount of ZAR 224 080.48 per annum and an increased national minimum wage in the amount of ZAR 23.19 per hour worked. 

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Clyde & Co.

Performance Security Bonds in Tanzania

A Performance Security Bond (Performance Bond) is a contract of guarantee in which one party (the Guarantor) promises to discharge the liability of a third party in the event of default. Performance Bonds are designed to ensure the performance of duties by parties t..

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What you need to know about NFTs and smart contracts

A non-fungible token, often referred to as an NFT, is a digital asset that represents real-world objects such as art, music, and videos on a blockchain. Some examples of NFTs include the Nyan Cat gif, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey's first original tweet, and a video o..

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Kenya: The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021

The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021 was gazetted by a Gazette Notice dated 8 October 2021. The Bill is aimed at addressing increased employee burnout and promoting employees’ work life balance.


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IBN Immigration Solutions

Corporates, HR Managers and Assignees – Everything you Need to Know About the New Critical Skills List


South Africa’s new Critical Skills List came into effect on 2 February 2022. Around 70 roles were removed from the list and new roles were added.

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Spoor & Fisher

New IP legislation comes into force in Mauritius

In 2019 the Mauritian authorities published new IP legislation, the Industrial Property Act 2019. It has now been announced that the legislation is anticipated to come into force in February 2022.


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Anjarwalla & Khanna

New Regulations Guiding Data Protection in Kenya Come into Force

The much-awaited regulations for the implementation of the Data Protection Act, 2019,  which were gazetted in January, have been approved and are now in force.


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Anjarwalla & Khanna

Is it Wise to Amend the Forest Conservation and Management Act, 2016?

Forest cover in Kenya accounts for only about 7.4% of the total land area,[1] well below the constitutional aspirations of tree cover of at least 10%.[2] Read More

ALP East Africa

Proposed Amendments to Electricity Law in Uganda

Proposed amendments to the electricity sector law—via the Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2022—seek to address the sector’s institutional regulators and to allow isolated power generation plants to sell e..

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