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Key Aspects of South Africa’s much-anticipated Climate Change Bill

The Climate Change Bill [B9- 2022] was formally introduced to Parliament on 18 February 2022 by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. This comes more than three years after an earlier version of the Bill was first published for..

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Money Laundering Prevention and Prohibition Act 2022: Enhanced Anti Money Laundering Regime in Nigeria

The passage of the Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022 – which repealed the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, No. 11, 2011 – has introduced significant changes to the legal and institutional framework for the prevention and prohibition of money..

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N. Dowuona & Company

"Safer food, better health" - Does Ghana need more laws?

Did you know there are over 200 mild to deadly foodborne diseases that affect 1 in 10 people worldwide each year? Here in Ghana, we’re proud ‘foodies’: our food is central to our culture and identity. Yet, even our most nutritious meals are vulnerable – prone to mis..

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Corpus Legal Practitioners

Credit Referencing: The permutations of the Court of Appeal Decision in the case of Melissa Supermarket and Another vs. Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited [2022] ZMCA 17 (the “Melissa Decision”)

Over the years, varied sentiment has arisen over the establishment and use of credit reference bureaus in Zambia. To one judge, credit reference bureaus represent hidden powers that would be gathering “black information” on individuals and busi..

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FB Attorneys

Jurisdiction of the Board in Tax Decisions still a Nightmare

In what seems to be the Court of Appeals’ consistent position on appealability of some tax decisions, the Court has recently cemented its position that only objection decisions of the Commissioner General made under the Tax Administration Act are appealable to the T..

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A Review of the Contractor's Power

When project owners refuse to pay contractors or have denied them access to the construction sites, contractors react in several ways. One such reaction is to suspend further performance of works until payment is made or access to the site is given. However, the contracto..

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Clyde & Co.

South Africa: Caution to insureds seeking to obstruct an insurer's access to information


In what is a rare win for an insurer in recent times, the court’s judgment in Musa v King Price Insurance Co on 9 May 2022 highlights the importance of insureds abiding by their claims cooperation obligations. The court's ..

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Werksmans Attorneys

Is it time for a section 150A LRA intervention in the Sibanye-Stillwater deadlock

After a lengthy period of striking – nearly 3 (three) months – over wage increases at Sibanye’s gold operations, the time is ripe for the type of intervention envisioned un..

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Data Localisation Requirements under the Data Protection Act

On 23 March 2021, Zambia’s Parliament enacted the Data Protection Act No 3 of 2021 to regulate the c..

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