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Scanlen & Holderness

The correct approach to corporate rescue explained in Zimbabwe

A brief commentary on the Metallon Gold Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd & Ors v Shatirwa Investments (Pvt) Ltd & Anor SC 107/21.

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S.P.A. Ajibade & Co.

Is registration of copyright a requirement for proving infringement? A critical analysis of the ruling of the Federal High Court in the case of Paul Allen Oche v. Nigerian Breweries Plc & 3 Ors.

Copyright under the Nigerian Copyright Act,[2] is a legal protection granted to creators or originators of creative works, whether Literary, Musical, Artistic or Cinematographic works or an adaptation of any of these eligible works.[3] Copyright confers an exclusive and a..

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Spoor & Fisher

Are South Africa’s IP laws keeping up with technology innovation?

Constituting a world first in a field that has traditionally been hostile to “artificially intelligent” inventors, South Africa’s patent office granted a patent in July 2021 to an invention created by an AI system.

The invention that received the go-ahead is for a ..

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SCA decision in CSARS v Spur Group (Pty) Ltd

Taxpayers who have made contributions to, in particular, share incentive trusts and claimed a deduction under section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (“the Act”) on the basis that such payment was, inter alia, aimed at creating a “happy and contented” workforce through ..

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Clyde & Co.

Bank of Tanzania: New outsourcing guidelines for banks and financial institutions in Tanzania

In this month’s legal update, we provide an overview of the new Bank of Tanzania Outsourcing Guidelines for Banks and Financial Institutions, 2021 (the Guidelines) which were published on 17 June 2021. The Guidelines apply to all outsourcing arrangements entered into by b..

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Mauritius removed from the FATF grey list

Earlier today (21 October 2021), the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced that Mauritius does not require increased monitoring and, as such, has been removed from the ‘grey list’. The FATF is an inter-governmental organisation that aims to prevent..

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FB Attorneys

Various Tax Regulations Issued

  • Remission of Interest and Penalties Regulations revoked
  • VAT General Regulations amended
  • VAT Exemption Management Procedures Regulations promulgated


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N. Dowuona & Company

A Look at Ghana’s Right to Information Act

Government institutions are now obliged to provide information about governance to the public. Under the new Right to Information Act, 2019 (Act 989), a person who applies for information from a public institution is not required to provide a reason unless the ..

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Personal data in Angola

Personal data protection in Angola is regulated by Law No. 22/11 of 17 June 11, the Personal Data Protection Law (LPDP), which determines the legal rules applicable to the processing of personal data. Various regulatory obligations related to compliance with the LPDP prov..

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