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Significant Victory for Uganda Revenue Authority as High Court Delivers a Thunderclap Verdict on Massive Tax Evasion Scheme

To call it a thunderclap may still not do justice to the Uganda Revenue Authority’s stunning victory against a massive tax evasion scheme. In a decision delivered by the Honourable Justice Stephen Mubiru, Head of the Commercial Court, on 16 July 2024 in URA v Crane Autos,..

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MMAKS Advocates

What you need to know about your tax laws that took effect on 1 July 2024

In accordance with the Public Finance Management Act, 2015, Parliament passed the national budget for the financial year 2024/2025 on 16 May 2024, approving a total expenditure of UGX 72.136 trillion (approximately USD 19.412 billion).  It is anticipated that 45% of the b..

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Finance Bill 2024 Withdrawn

On 26 June 2024, in response to two weeks of widespread anti-tax protests across major towns and cities in Kenya, President William Ruto announced during a press briefing, the withdrawal of the controversial Finance Bill, 2024. Originally published in the Kenya Gazette on..

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Analysis of the Key Provisions and Implications of the Affordable Housing Act, 2024

The Affordable Housing Act, 2024 was gazetted on 19 March 2024 after being signed into law by the President on the same date. The Act serves to implement constitutional mandates regarding the right to accessible and adequate housing and sanitation standards while establis..

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Muvingi Mugadza

The New Wealth Tax in Zimbabwe: An Overview

The new Finance Act, 2023 (No. 13 of 2023), which came into operation on the 1st of January 2024 introduces a new tax, a wealth tax. This article seeks to provide an understanding into the new wealth tax.  

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Kenya: Affordable Housing Bill

The Affordable Housing Bill, 2023 (the Bill) has been tabled before the National Assembly. The Bill comes against the backdrop of the High Court decision on the validity of the Affordable Housing Levy (the Levy) provided for in the Finance Act 2023, rendered on 28 Novembe..

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Werksmans Attorneys

National Treasury sees the light regarding foreign employers

The latest feedback received from National Treasury regarding the proposal to require foreign employers to register for employees’ tax (Pay-As-You-Earn) has been significantly watered down but questions remain on the revised proposal.

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Kenya: The Medium-Term Revenue Strategy

The Ministry of National Treasury and Economic Planning (the National Treasury) has released the Medium–Term Revenue Strategy MTRS or the Strategy) for the financial years 2024/25 – 2026/27. The newly released MTRS is dubbed “An Approach for Enhancing Domestic Revenue.” T..

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Why companies need to properly document the loans they receive

Financing company operations often involves borrowing from commercial lenders, private lenders and even the company’s own shareholders. Whether or not formal documentation of the loan is done is determined by the company size, the loan size and tenure, whether the company..

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