On July 17, Presidential Decree No. 152/24 of July 17 was published and came into force, approving an increase in the National Minimum Wage.
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On July 17, Presidential Decree No. 152/24 of July 17 was published and came into force, approving an increase in the National Minimum Wage.
The Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 will be formally introduced at the National Assembly this Thursday 18 July 2024. The object of the Bill is to provide for the implementation of the measures announced in the Minister of Finance’s Budget Speech 2024-2025. Th..
This article discusses the emerging legal concerns associated with the potential risks arising from the termination of employment of employees with mental health conditions, following the enactment of the Mental Health Act, 2023.
A cursory glance at the fundamental rights and freedoms set out in the bill of rights in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 (the Constitution) may lead a person to conclude that all workers have a constitutional right to engage in a lawful strike. But is this the correct posi..
On 9 May 2024, the Presidency reported that the President assented to the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill. The purpose of the Act is to give effect to constitutionally enshrined rights, including human dignity, equality and the right to freedo..
On Friday, 3 May 2024, the much-anticipated new Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court rules were published in the Government Gazette. These rules replace the rules that have been in force since 1996, as well as the Practice Manual for the Labour Court which has applied sin..
In the ever-evolving landscape of employment law, new frontiers continually emerge, posing dilemmas for employees and employers alike, especially in cross-border contexts. With the advent of the digital age, where company data is integral to business operations, instances..
In Kenya’s dynamic employment landscape, terminating employees on medical grounds poses significant challenges for employers as employers must weigh between productivity and being sensitive in the face of medical incapacity. While the Employment Act, 2007 provides criteri..
The earnings threshold will increase to R254 371.67 with effect from 1 April 2024, entitling employees falling below the threshold to stricter protections in terms of labour legislation. It is the fourth consecutive annual increase to the threshold (following a period of ..