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A Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) has been signed between the Republic of Mauritius and the Republic of Angola

In its strategy to remain the trampoline jurisdiction of choice for the African continent Mauritius’ government cabinet of August 19 took note of the public declaration..

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MMAKS Advocates

Bank customers could be held liable for banking fraud losses

On 18 July 2022, the Ugandan High Court issued a landmark decision on the liability for loss suffered due to digital bank fraud in the case of Aida Atiku versus Centenary Rural Development Bank Limited, (the defendant/bank) Civil Suit No. 0754 of 2020.
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South Africa: First dawn raids by the Competition Commission in several years are a reminder to maintain dawn raid readiness

The Competition Commission announced on 25 August 2022 that it had conducted search and seizure operations at the premises of eight insurance companies operating in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces.
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KN Law

Changes To Capital Market Regulations

The Cabinet Secretary Finance recently gazetted the Capital Markets (Whistleblower Regulations) 2022 to give effect to the amendments to the Capital Markets Act (the Act) in 2018 by setting up a framework for the payment of rewards to whistleblowers. The  amendmen..
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Werksmans Attorneys

Illegal mining, the ‘zama zamas’ and the Law

In July 2022, the Minister of Finance and Planning (Minister) published the Income TaxIllegal mining is a critical challenge in the South African mining and minerals industry.


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Tanzania: Income tax and value-added tax on electronic services – Regulations

In July 2022, the Minister of Finance and Planning (Minister) published the Income Tax (Registration of Non-Resident Electronic Service Providers) Regulations 2022 (Income Tax Regulations) and the Value Added Tax (Registration of Non-Resident ..

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KN Law

The Physical Planning Regulations

On November 26, 2021 the Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning gazetted various regulations (the “Regulations”) under the Physical and Land Use Planning Act, 2019 (the “Act”) and they include:

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The ‘double jeopardy’ of illegal and fraudulent gold transactions in Ghana

About 10 years ago, a potential client from abroad requested legal assistance in a gold transaction with local traders in Ghana. From the story the potential client told and the fake-looking documents they had received from the local traders, it was obvious that we had be..

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Moira Mukuka Legal Practitioners

Net-Metering - A Game Changer for Zambia's Electricity Sector

In a progressive move, the Energy Regulation Board (“ERB”) has published the draft Net-Metering Regulations (the “Draft Regulations”), which will allow electricity consumers who generate their own electricity, using renewable energy technologi..

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