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Sal & Caldeira Advogados

Ratification of Convention No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

On May 15, 2024, through Resolution No. 4/2024, of May 15, the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique ratified Convention No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization..

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GDA Advocates

Rules and procedures to carry out foreign exchange operations: Notice No. 3/GBM/2024, of 20 March

Notice No. 3/GBM/2024, was published on 20 March, and establishes the rules and procedures for carrying out foreign exchange operations. It applies to all resident and non-resident entities covered by the Foreign Exchange Law.

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Unlocking opportunities: Mozambique’s new Investment Law and Regulations

As one of Africa's emerging economies, Mozambique offers abundant opportunities for domestic and foreign investors alike. In a bid to enhance a conducive environment for investment to continue fostering economic growth and development, Mozambique recently has updated its ..

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Sal & Caldeira Advogados

Beneficiary Owner Registration Under the New Regulation on the Registration of Legal Entities

With the entry into force on 8 March 2024 of the New Regulation on the Registration of Legal Entities, recently approved by Decree-Law no. 1/2024, of 8 March, all companies, consortia, representations of national or foreign entities must, within 90 days from 8 March 2024,..

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GDA Advocates

Regime for the liberalization of capital operations and other foreign exchange operations

On 21 March 2024, the Bank of Mozambique published Notice No. 4/GBM/2024 in the Official Gazette. This notice establishes the regime for the liberalization of capital operations and other foreign exchange operations in Mozambique. It applies to all parties involved in for..

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Sal & Caldeira Advogados

Transaction Limits Applicable to Electronic Money Institutions

Notice No. 07/GBM/2024 of 29 February 2024 establishes the transaction limits applicable to Electronic Money Institutions, which are defined by the Law on Credit Institutions and Financial Companies, as financial companies authorised to provide payment services, whose mai..

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New Mozambican labour law about to come into force

Businesses operating in Mozambique and employing individuals there have likely encountered the longstanding Labour Law, Act 23/2007, of 1 August, which has been in operation since 2007. That Act has finally been repealed, and is set to be replaced by the new Labour Law, A..

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MDR Advogados

Regulation of the Registration and Licensing of Intermediary Providers of Electronic Services and Digital Platforms Operators

Decree no. 59/2023, of October 27, which approves the Regulation on the Registration and Licensing of Intermediary Providers of Electronic Services and Digital Platforms Operators (Regulation), was recently published.

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MDR Advogados

Registration of Virtual Asset Service Providers before the Mozambique Central Bank

It was recently published the Notice no. 4/GBM/2023, of 14 September (Notice), which approves the legal framework applicable to the registration of virtual asset service providers before the Mozambique Central Bank (Banco de Moçambique). This Notice, aims to com..

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