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Webber Wentzel

South African crypto providers now caught in licensing net

South African regulators have now defined crypto as a financial asset. But what does it mean in practice?

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Sal & Caldeira Advogados

Minimum salaries for 2023

We hereby inform the business community and other interested parties that the national minimum wages, by sector of activity, for the year 2023, were approved by the Council of Ministers on 25 April 2023, with effect from April 1, 2023.

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Adams & Adams

One work to rule them all?

Battle lines have recently been drawn, after fan fiction writer, Demetrious Polychron, filed a 250-million-dollar lawsuit against the Tolkien Estate and Amazon on the basis of copyright infringement. Mr Polychron claims that his novel The Fellowsip of the King, which draw..

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Webber Wentzel

Retrenched by HAL 9000: what employers should know before using AI in dismissals based on operational requirements

Employers using AI systems to identify employees for retrenchment need to be cautious of potential discrimination and should ensure that human bias is not systematised. Employers should consider the human-centred AI Principles adopted by the Organisation for Economic Co-o..

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The role of grid scale battery energy storage systems in helping Kenya achieve its renewable energy goals

Over the past decade, Kenya has made significant strides in increasing its generation capacity from renewable energy sources. Current statistics show that renewable energy contributes to over 80% of the power injected..

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Unlocking opportunities: Expanding Ghanaian presence in the petroleum industry

Since the discovery of oil in commercial quantities in 2007, Ghana's petroleum industry has witnessed remarkable growth. In an effort to foster the development of the indigenous market, the Ministry of Energy introduced policies to take advantage of this growth. How..

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Regulatory update: Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission Customer Protection Regulations

Reliable access to electricity is vital for the development and progress of any nation. Nigeria has grappled with a persistent problem of irregular power supply and arbitrary disconnection of electricity services to consumers. This has not only posed hardship for consumer..

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FB Attorneys

The Personal Data Protection Act

Q&A on the provisions of the Tanzania Personal Data Protection Act

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Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Charting a course for public land reform through the Land (Amendment) Bill, 2022

Kenya has historically struggled with a major crisis in its public land tenure system. This crisis is known as “land grabbing” and is the illegal and irregular allocation of land meant for public purposes to private individuals and corporations. There are many contributor..

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