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Finance Bill 2024 Withdrawn

On 26 June 2024, in response to two weeks of widespread anti-tax protests across major towns and cities in Kenya, President William Ruto announced during a press briefing, the withdrawal of the controversial Finance Bill, 2024. Originally published in the Kenya Gazette on..

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Navigating East Africa’s Data Protection Framework: A Guide for Investors in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

The number of data protection laws in Africa has more than doubled in the last decade, and a third of these laws were passed in just the last five years. Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania have each adopted data protection legislative frameworks modelled on the European Union’s ..

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Significant Changes for Not-for-Profits as PBO Act Comes into Effect After 11 Years

Without any forewarning, the current administration operationalised the 11 years old, Public Benefits Organisations Act which replaces the 30-year-old Non-Governmental Organisations Coordination Act, significantly altering the regulation of not-for-profit entities.

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Guidelines for Employment Termination on Medical Grounds

In Kenya’s dynamic employment landscape, terminating employees on medical grounds poses significant challenges for employers as employers must weigh between productivity and being sensitive in the face of medical incapacity. While the Employment Act, 2007 provides criteri..

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Analysis of the Key Provisions and Implications of the Affordable Housing Act, 2024

The Affordable Housing Act, 2024 was gazetted on 19 March 2024 after being signed into law by the President on the same date. The Act serves to implement constitutional mandates regarding the right to accessible and adequate housing and sanitation standards while establis..

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When Yes means No – A Look at Kenya’s evolving Data Protection Framework

Privacy is a fundamental human right and is central to the protection of human dignity. In its simplest form, the right to privacy allows each human being to be left alone in a core that is inviolable. As we continue to celebrate Data Privacy Day, we look at key takeaways..

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Revolutionising African Trade: Kenya Takes the Lead in Promoting PAPSS

As the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) advances through various negotiation phases, several stakeholders have introduced operational tools to facilitate its implementation. One of these tools is the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS), whic..

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Kenya Removes 30% Local Shareholding Requirement in ICT Sector

On 22 August 2023, the Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy published in the Kenya Gazette an amendment to the National Information Communications and Technology Policy Guidelines, 2020 (the 2020 ICT Policy) which required companies to ha..

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Immediate Taxpayer Considerations for July 2023 After Lifting of Finance Act, 2023 Suspension

>In June 2023, the Finance Act of 2023 (the Act) brought significant changes to Kenya’s taxation statutes. However, the Act faced a suspension due to a constitutional petition, causing uncertainty for taxpayers. A Court of Appeal ruling on 28 July 2023 has now lifted the ..
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