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Buy now pay later: A different kind of credit

In the past, when a consumer wanted to purchase a product on credit, they only had two options: they could either purchase the product using their credit card or buy the product through a lay-by option, the latter being the least preferred.

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Webber Wentzel

New accountable institutions have until 19 March to register with the FIC

Our Financial Regulation team recently prepared a client alert with details about entities that are deemed accountable institutions i..

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Werksmans Attorneys

The FAFT, trusts and transparency in South Africa

Over the past 10 years, there has been large-scale domestic and international financial fraud in South Africa. Sometimes, trusts and foundations are involved, including both South African and foreign trusts, as well as charitable trusts. This increase in cross-borde..

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South Africa: Grey-listing by the Financial Action Task Force

On 24 February 2023, the Financial Action Task Force placed South Africa on its ‘grey list’. This means that South Africa will be subject to increased monitoring by the FATF and is required to actively work to address identified deficiencies in its national legislation an..

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Werksmans Attorneys

The Competition Commission turnips the heat on fresh produce – 10 things you should know

On 14 February 2023, the Competition Commission of South Africa (“Commission”) published in the Government Gazette the final Terms of Reference (“ToR“) for its market inquiry into the Fresh Produce Market..

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Ambitious projects are under way to produce green hydrogen in South Africa

In recognition of the global proliferation of sustainable energy, and considering COP27 and SA’s international law obligations under the Paris Agreement, the country is strengthening its contributions and efforts towards climate change mitigation.

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Webber Wentzel

Is your business an accountable institution? Your 90 days are running

Towards the end of 2022, several amendments and proposed changes to the structure of South Africa's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist regime were implemented. Amongst these was the inclusion of several new items to the list of entiti..

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New sector targets could compel the mining sector to walk the walk on diversity, equity and inclusion

With South Africa being one of the most diverse countries on the African continent, equity and inclusion are critical to the future of every sector in its economy. For the mining sector in particular, failure to achieve equity of the workplace could come with greater puni..

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Could you be an accountable institution under FICA?

Amendments to FICA adding new accountable institutions to the Schedule were published on 29 November 2022. These came into effect on 19 December 2022, ahead of the possible grey-listing of South Africa by the Financial Action Task Force.

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