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Webber Wentzel

Third party cell captive conduct standard tabled in Parliament

The long-awaited conduct standard, "Requirements relating to third party cell captive insurance business" (2022 Conduct Standard), together with the Statement of Need and Intended Operation as well as the Consultation Report, was tabled in the National Assembly and Nation..

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South Africa: ConCourt settles the law on various issues relating to large-scale retrenchments

On 6 May 2022, the Constitutional Court handed down judgment in the matter of Solidarity obo Members v Barloworld Equipment Southern Africa and Others (CCT 102/21) [2022] ZACC 15.


The case is an important one, in which the Court settles var..

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The successful allocation of the high-demand radio frequency spectrum

On 26 July 2019, the Minister of Communications published the Policy on High Demand Spectrum and Policy Direction on Licensing of a Wireless Open Access Network ("WOAN Policy") to tackle the spectrum scarcity of the country. Pursuant to the WO..

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Tax incentives are essential for getting South African mining exploration investment back on track

In April 2022, the Fraser Institute published the “Survey of Mining Companies 2021”, where investors weighed in on what mineral endowments and public policy factors, such as regulatory uncertainty and taxation, impacted their decision to invest in exploration in a region...

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Werksmans Attorneys

A new reality for illegal miners and the ‘zama zamas’?

Illegal mining is a critical challenge in the South African mining and minerals industry. In response to this chall..

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Advertising Regulatory Board: a major development

On 12 April 2022, The South African Supreme Court of Appeal ruled that the Advertising Regulatory Board is entitled to consider and make decisions on the advertising of non-members, and guide its mem..

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Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

The Deadly Air Case: How the High Court confirmed the right to a healthy environment

The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 (NEMAQA) authorises the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (Minister) to declare a priority area if it is reasonably believed that the National Ambient Air Quality Standards are or may be exce..
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Mine Community Resettlement Guidelines published for implementation

Mining operations have the potential to displace individuals and communities, resulting in the loss of income, loss of physical and non-physical assets (including homes), productive land, subsistence, resources, cultural sites, social structures, networks and ties, cultural ..
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Werksmans Attorneys

Is South Africa in a state of procurement limbo? Where to from here, for now?

Public procurement in South Africa is undeniably tied to the country’s socio-economic objectives and is an important tool to achieve transformation. Recently, the Constitutional Court (“ConCourt”) in the matter of Minister of Finance v Afribusiness NPC and Ot..

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