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G. Elias & Co.

The Regulatory Framework of the eNaira

The Central Bank of Nigeria (the ‘’CBN’’) recently issued the Regulatory Guidelines on the
eNaira (the ‘’Guidelines’’). The Guidelines was issued pursuant to Section 19 of the Central
Bank of Nigeria Act, 2007 (“CBN Act”) and the Banks and Other Financial Institut..

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Regulation of Fintech in Nigeria: difference between MMOs, PSBs and MFBs

In our February 3, 2020 article, we had written on the differences between a Mobile Money Operator (MMO) license, a Payment Service Bank (PSB) license and a Microfinance Bank (MFB) license. The article was aimed at supporting Fintechs in determining which of the existing ..

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Climate Change And Energy Transition: Is Nigeria on Course With Its New Climate Change Act 2021

The year 2021 will remain historic as the year in which Nigeria made unprecedented and spirited efforts towards the reform of its energy sector through various legislative and policy initiatives.

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Right to Be Forgotten: TEMPLARS Successfully Defends Google

26 October 2021, a High Court (HC) sitting in Lagos, in a landmark judgment, dismissed a claim for the enforcement of the right to the erasure of personal data, privacy rights and other fundamental rights against Google LLC.

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Olaniwun Ajayi

Trademarks and cultural appropriation: what is really unprotectable?

It is the age of the Internet of things and the growth of the modern economy is increasingly hinged on intangible assets. This is more apparent considering the sweeping impact that the fourth industrial revolution driven largely by Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) is alread..

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Court Delivers Ruling on Pioneer Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) in Nigeria

It is no longer news that the provisions of the new Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), 2020, which repealed and replaced the erstwhile Companies and Matters Act (CAMA), 1990 introduced several innovations aimed at improving business operation in Nigeria and the prot..

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The Nigerian Startup Bill

The recently introduced Nigerian Startup Bill (“Bill”) is one development that is expected to improve the business environment for Startups in Nigeria when passed into law. It is aimed at creating a favourable environment for Startups by: providing incentives; removing re..

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Goldsmiths Solicitors

Host Communities and Funds under the Petroleum Industry Act 2021

Goldsmiths Solicitors PIA Series IV Introduction

In this concluding part of our series examining the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) 2021, we tak..

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Jackson, Etti & Edu

The Impact of Section 43(2) of the Plant Variety Protection Act 2021

The introduction of the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) in Nigeria created intellectual property (IP) right incentives to breeders as well as an access to foreign collaboration. The lack of a regulatory framework protecting IP in new plant varieties had discouraged forei..
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