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Significant Victory for Uganda Revenue Authority as High Court Delivers a Thunderclap Verdict on Massive Tax Evasion Scheme

To call it a thunderclap may still not do justice to the Uganda Revenue Authority’s stunning victory against a massive tax evasion scheme. In a decision delivered by the Honourable Justice Stephen Mubiru, Head of the Commercial Court, on 16 July 2024 in URA v Crane Autos,..

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South Africa's new National Cloud and Data Policy: A strategic shift

The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies officially published the National Data and Cloud Policy (GG No. 50741) on 31 May 2024, in line with section 3(1) of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005. The Policy recognises that data and cloud technologies ha..

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Lesotho’s updated Labour Act – Promoting fair labour practices and equitable employment relations in line with global standards

Lesotho has enacted the Labour Act, 2024, which consolidates all labour and employment laws in the country. The Act came into force on 2 April 2024 and repeals the Labour Code Order, 1992. While it mirrors the Labour Code, it has also introduced several notable changes wi..

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Polygraph examinations: Can an employer dismiss an employee for refusing to undergo a polygraph examination

While a polygraph examination alone cannot conclusively determine employee misconduct, it can serve as corroborative evidence among other factors. But what happens when an employee refuses to undergo a polygraph test?

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The Supreme Court of Uganda clarifies indoor management rule does not apply when the law prescribes specific procedure

The indoor management rule is that a person dealing with a company in good faith is entitled to assume that the corporate acts provided for in the company’s documents have been properly and duly performed in compliance with its articles and bylaws. The rule is codified un..

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Social media influencer interdicted from defaming Native Child Africa

Earlier this year, the Pretoria High Court in Native Child Africa (Pty) Ltd v Akinwale reminded social media influencers to ensure that they understand the terms and conditions stipulated in the contracts they conclude with brands. In this case, Mary Oluwatobiloba Akinwal..

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Unlocking opportunities: Mozambique’s new Investment Law and Regulations

As one of Africa's emerging economies, Mozambique offers abundant opportunities for domestic and foreign investors alike. In a bid to enhance a conducive environment for investment to continue fostering economic growth and development, Mozambique recently has updated its ..

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Key considerations and compliance challenges as South Africa introduces new "failure to prevent corrupt activities offence" in section 34A of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act

A significant recommendation of the State Capture Commission, the introduction of a failure to prevent corruption offence, has been introduced in South Africa with effect from 3 April 2024. The Judicial Matters Amendment Bill was passed by the National Council of Province..

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A raft of new public procurement regulations in Uganda

A wave of fraud-related public procurement scandals has gripped the nation in recent years. Allegations of fake tenders and false representations by imposters have plagued the procurement cycle, becoming a frequent feature story in the news. The Public Procurement and Dis..

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