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Kenya: Highlights of the Law of Succession (Amendment) Act 2021

Parliament recently passed into law the Law of Succession (Amendment) Act 2021 (the Amendment Act). The Amendment Act amends several provisions of the Law of Succession Act, Chapter 160 of the Laws of Kenya (the LSA Act).

The Amendment Act intends to harmonize the ..

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Public-private partnerships to fund transport infrastructure

The Minister has revealed that Government will aggressively pursue PPPs, as a mechanism to fund and construct transport infrastructure.

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Zambia: 2022 National Budget aims to revitalise the country’s economy

The Zambian Minister of Finance and National Planning, Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, (Minister) delivered the 2022 National Budget Speech to the National Assembly on 29 October 2021, the first after a change of Government.

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South Africa: Ground-breaking Constitutional Court ruling on the role of the competition authorities in promoting the right to healthcare

The Constitutional Court decision handed down on 15 October 2021 in Competition Commission of South Africa v Mediclinic Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and Another may have far-reaching consequences for both merger review and adjudication of complaints under the Competition Act..

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Mauritius removed from the FATF grey list

Earlier today (21 October 2021), the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced that Mauritius does not require increased monitoring and, as such, has been removed from the ‘grey list’. The FATF is an inter-governmental organisation that aims to prevent..

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East Africa: Business is Looking up Amidst COVID 19

Since 2020, there have been unprecedented changes in the way people do business, not only in Africa but globally. Eighteen months later, we reflect briefly on how this has impacted Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, and provide you with insights on the next chapter for these reg..

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Stricter reporting and enforcement on local empowerment in Africa

All indications are that more stringent reporting and enforcement of local empowerment requirements are on the way across much of Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Competition and Consumer Protection Commission levies maximum penalties for anti-competitive trade practices in the cement industry

Zambia’s Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (Commission) has fined Lafarge Zambia plc (Lafarge) and Mpande Limestone Ltd (Mpande) 10% of their annual turnovers in 2019 and 2020, following findings that these c..

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Uganda: High Court issues landmark decision on industrial design infringement

On 28 June 2021 the High Court of Uganda rendered a landmark decision inMigoo Industrial and Trading Company (U) Limited v Rida International Industry (U) Limited (Civil Suit 0359/2019). Plaintiff Migoo had sued defendant Ridafor infringement of its industrial design.

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