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Insolvency law takes a knock: A review of Roofings v Roko Construction

The High Court in Uganda has ruled that a petitioner for liquidation of a company must issue a statutory demand regardless of the grounds of the petition.

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East Africa: Business is Looking up Amidst COVID 19

Since 2020, there have been unprecedented changes in the way people do business, not only in Africa but globally. Eighteen months later, we reflect briefly on how this has impacted Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, and provide you with insights on the next chapter for these reg..

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Kampala Associated Advocates

The Trademarks (Amendment) Regulations, 2021: A step towards achieving the goals of the National IP Policy

In May 2019, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs released the National Intellectual Property Policy (the “Policy”) intended to support efforts towards achieving objectives of Uganda Vision 2040, the Second National Development Plan and the 17 Sustainable De..

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Kampala Associated Advocates

Reviewing The Conflicting Legal And Institutional Framework For Sacco’s In Uganda

In Uganda, Savings and Credit Co-operatives (SACCOs) have for a long time been part of the Cooperative movement and regulated under the Ministry of Trade and Cooperatives. However, ..

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How does the indoor management rule in company law apply in Uganda?

The indoor management rule is a common principle, codified in Ugandan law. However, recent decisions from courts have applied the rule inconsistently, and have been a cause of concern as to what reliance can be placed on a company resolution by a party contracting w..

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Uganda: High Court issues landmark decision on industrial design infringement

On 28 June 2021 the High Court of Uganda rendered a landmark decision inMigoo Industrial and Trading Company (U) Limited v Rida International Industry (U) Limited (Civil Suit 0359/2019). Plaintiff Migoo had sued defendant Ridafor infringement of its industrial design.

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Uganda: The National Climate Change Bill, 2020 – Some Take Homes for Corporates

On 27 April 2020, the Parliament of Uganda unanimously passed the National Climate Change Bill, 2020 (Bill). The Bill now awaits presidential assent to become law. Below we examine what ..

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Shonubi, Musoke & Co.

An Overview of the 2021 Tax Amendments

The President of the Republic of Uganda has assented to the Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2021, the Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act 2021, the Excise Duty (Amendment) Act 2021, the Tax Appeals Tribunal (Amendment) Act 2021, the Tax Procedures Code (Amendment) Act 2021 a..

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