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Aluko & Oyebode

Nigerian Communications Commission Publishes Draft Telecommunications Networks Interconnection Regulations

The Nigerian Communications Commission in exercise of its functions under the Nigerian Communications Act has published three draft regulations and guidelines for stakeholders’ comments. The draft documents seek to amend and repeal the existing regulations and guidelines...

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Duale, Ovia & Alex-Adedipe

Disconnection of Telecommunications Network in Nigeria: balancing the interest of the service provider and consumers

On Monday 8th of January 2024, the Nigerian Communications Commission (the "Commission"} released a memo signed by its director of Public Affairs, Mr. Reuben Mouka, titled "Pre Disconnection Notice'' 1 The notice informs all subscribers of Globacom that the Commission has..

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Olajide Oyewole LLP

Lawful Interception of Communications Under the Nigeria Communications Act and The Peculiarities of The NITDA Draft Code of Practice for Interactive Computer Platform/Internet Intermediaries

The Nigerian Communications Act 2003("NC Act")1 regulates communications in Nigeria. Its regulatory purview includes all forms of telecommunications and internet-based communications. The Nigerian Communications Commission2 ("NCC"), established under the NC Act, is c..

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South Africa: Number portability regulations come into effect

On 7 March 2022, the Number Portability Regulations, 2018 (Number Portability Regulations) published by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) under the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005 (the ECA) came into eff..

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