The Public Private Partnership Act, (Cap. 103 R.E. 2018) ("PPP Act”), is the principal legislation regulating the implementation of public private partnership projects ("PPP Projects”).
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The Public Private Partnership Act, (Cap. 103 R.E. 2018) ("PPP Act”), is the principal legislation regulating the implementation of public private partnership projects ("PPP Projects”).
On 23 June 2023, the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies published the Draft Electronic Communications Amendment Bill, 2023 (Draft Amendment Bill), which is intended to amend certain aspects of the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005 (ECA).
The Ghanaian authorities have published an important bill, the Ghana Industrial Property Office Bill, 2023 (the Bill).
The purpose of the Bill is to establish a new IP office, the Ghana Industrial Property Office (GHIPO).
As has widely been reported in the media, the National Health Insurance Bill or the Bill has been passed by Parliament. However, such a process has left a number of crucial questions about the scope, ambit and application of the Bill largely unanswered. One of those quest..
On 12 June 2023, the Nigeria Data Protection Act, 2023 (“the Act”) was signed into law by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The Act provides a legal framework for the protection of personal information, processing and transfer of personal information and regulatory obligations..
The Finance Act 2023 (the “FA 2023”) was signed into law by former President Muhammadu
Buhari on 28 May 2023, prior to his leaving office. The FA 2023 takes effect from 28 May
2023, and it replaces the Finance Bill 2022 (“FB 2022”), which had been circul..
A new national arbitration law, the Arbitration and Mediation Act, 2023 (the AMA), came into force in Nigeria on 26 May 2023, replacing the Arbitration and Conciliation Act (the ACA) that had remained unchanged for over three decades. Here are some notable features of the..
Kenya has historically struggled with a major crisis in its public land tenure system. This crisis is known as “land grabbing” and is the illegal and irregular allocation of land meant for public purposes to private individuals and corporations. There are many contributor..