Never miss a beat on Africa's legal and regulatory landscape.
Climate change and the degradation of natural resources continues to elicit great interest and debate globally.
Kenya has demonstrated its commitment to the promotion of sustainable waste management and circular economy practices for green growth with the recent en..
The Land Control Bill, 2022 (the Bill) proposes to regulate various land transactions in relation to agricultural land. The Bill intends to repeal and replace the Land Control Act (Chapter 302) and seeks to..
On 17th August 2022, in Omwanza Ombati v. The Hon. Chief Justice, The President of the Supreme Court & 4 Others (2022) eKLR, the High Court (Thande, J) quashed the Supreme Court (Presidential El..
On November 26, 2021 the Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning gazetted various regulations (the “Regulations”) under the Physical and Land Use Planning Act, 2019 (the “Act”) and they include:
Safaricom PLC (Safaricom) and Visa Inc (Visa) recently announced the launch of the M-Pesa GlobalPay Visa virtual card (the M-Pesa Card). The partnership comes amidst the Central Bank of Kenya’s issuance of its National Paym..
According to the article, employees who reported to work 15 minutes late from the start of the workday or left the workplace 15 minutes earlier than the end of the workday, were fined KES 200 for each o..
On 7 December 2021, the President signed into law the Central Bank of Kenya (Amendment) Act of 2021 (Act) that grants the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) powers to regulate digital credit providers.