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Key Aspects of South Africa’s much-anticipated Climate Change Bill

The Climate Change Bill [B9- 2022] was formally introduced to Parliament on 18 February 2022 by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. This comes more than three years after an earlier version of the Bill was first published for..

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Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

The Deadly Air Case: How the High Court confirmed the right to a healthy environment

The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 (NEMAQA) authorises the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (Minister) to declare a priority area if it is reasonably believed that the National Ambient Air Quality Standards are or may be exce..
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Webber Wentzel

Climate Change Bill introduced in Parliament

On 18 February 2022, the much-anticipated Climate Change Bill (Bill), which was published for comment on 8 June 2018, was introduced in Parliament. The publication and introduction of the Bill to Parliament for consideration is in accordance with South Africa's impl..

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SDG7 and the Journey to Nigeria’s 2060 Net Zero Emission Target: A Bird’s Eye View

In 2019, the Nigerian Government, through the Rural Electrification Agency, developed a model to determine the most cost-effective solution to achieving 100% electrification in the nation. The model revealed that 100% electrification by 2024 would require new connections ..

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OALP’s analysis of the recently enacted Climate Change Act 2021 and its potential impact on businesses in the energy industry

In the last quarter of 2021, His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari signed into law, the Climate Change Act 2021, to usher in a new dawn in Nigeria’s efforts towards environmental sustainability and ecosystem preservation by presenting a wholistic approach to re..

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Anjarwalla & Khanna

Is it Wise to Amend the Forest Conservation and Management Act, 2016?

Forest cover in Kenya accounts for only about 7.4% of the total land area,[1] well below the constitutional aspirations of tree cover of at least 10%.[2] Read More

Aluko & Oyebode

A Review of Nigeria’s Climate Change Act, 2021

On 18 November 2021, President Muhammadu Buhari signed into law the Climate Change Bill 2021 following the passing of the bill by the Senate just a month earlier on 13 October 2021.


The Climate Change Act 2021 (the “Act”) has been described as one o..

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Climate Change And Energy Transition: Is Nigeria on Course With Its New Climate Change Act 2021

The year 2021 will remain historic as the year in which Nigeria made unprecedented and spirited efforts towards the reform of its energy sector through various legislative and policy initiatives.

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Anjarwalla & Khanna

Legal Alert | CBK’s Guidance on Climate-Related Risk Management to Enhance Business Resilience


Considerable attention has been directed at climate change and its impact on the environment in recent years. At a global level, this attention resulted in the Paris ..

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