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Herbert Smith Freehills

The Department of Water and Sanitation calls upon the public to comment on the Draft National Water Amendment Bill (B – 2023)

On 17 November 2023 the Department of Water and Sanitation published the long overdue suite of proposed amendments to the National Water Act, 1998 (the Act). If the draft National Water Amendment Bill (B – 2023) (the Bill) is adopted..

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Clyde & Co.

The Amendments to the Tanzania Carbon Trading Regulations, 2023

In 2022, the Government of Tanzania made a formal step towards the inclusion and promotion of carbon trading in Tanzania by issuing the Environmental Management (Control and Management of Carbon Trading Mechanisms) Regulations, Government Notice Number (G.N No.) 636 of 20..

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Muvingi Mugadza

Investment Opportunities in Carbon Credits Trading in Zimbabwe

At the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in New York, in May 1992, the countries present committed to reduce atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gasses with the goal of preventing human activities interference with the earth’s climat..

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Anjarwalla & Khanna

Commentary of the Climate Change (Amendment) Act, 2023

While the Amendment Act represents a significant stride in Kenya’s efforts to mitigate climate change impacts and develop a robust carbon market, there are certain gaps and shortcomings within the Amendment Act that may require further refinement or clarification.

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Development of Carbon Project and Trading Legal Framework: Enactment of the Climate Change (Amendment) Act, 2023

The Climate Change (Amendment) Act, 2023 (the Act) was enacted on 1 September 2023 and came into force on 15 September 2023. It is worth mentioning that both Houses of Parliament passed the Act with minimal amendments and the enacted law ..

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The Climate Change Amendment Bill is now law

On 1 September 2023, President William Ruto assented to the Climate Change (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bill number 42 of 2023), which amends the Climate Change Act, Number 11 of 2016.

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The Carbon Credit Trading and Benefit Sharing Bill, 2023

A draft Carbon Credit Trading and Benefit Sharing Bill, 2023 (the "Carbon Trading Bill") has been approved by the National Assembly Budget and Appropriations Committ..

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Action Alert! The majority of the provisions in the National Environmental Laws Amendment Act 2 of 2022 came into effect

On 24 June 2022, the much-anticipated National Environmental Laws Amendment Act 2 of 2022 (“NEMLAA”) was enacted after more than 5 years since it was introduced as a Bill to the National Assembly.

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MMAN Advocates

The Evolving Regulatory Landscape of Climate Change in Kenya

Climate change poses significant challenges to Kenya, impacting various sectors such as agriculture, water resources, health, and infrastructure. The country is vulnerable to droughts, floods, and extreme weather events, which have adverse effects on food security, water ..

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