Best Practices

Automate your legal monitoring: How does it work?

Your subscription to the Afriwise platform comes with a legal monitoring tool to keep you informed of the latest legal developments and updates across Africa. You can decide which categories and topics you want to be kept informed.


  • Simply select a law  Category  or  Topic
  • Click on  Bookmark Category  or  Bookmark Topic  on the right-hand side
  • You are done. You’ll now receive email alerts in case of any changes.

Request for additional clarification

Are you unsure of how to interpret a piece of information on the platform?  Get more certainty by requesting a clarification.


Your request will be handled by the contributing author that has provided the information in the first place so that you are sure to have the best person giving you further clarity.

Tips and tricks to leverage the Afriwise search engine


Case sensitivity

The search engine is NOT case sensitive.

One word

Results will be for the whole word only.

Multiple words

Results of the exact order of words will appear first, followed by results containing ALL the words but not in that order.

Partial words

No results will appear unless the partial word is also a whole word. For example, “legisl” will not return results, but “legislation” will. “Law” will return results, but not for “laws”.

Different forms of the same word

Results will be for the exact word only. If you search for “register”, results for “registration” will not appear.


The search engine does not look for synonyms. For example,

searching for “local” will not return results for “domestic”.

Legal terms

The search engine does not look for equivalent legal terms. For example, searching for “bond” will not return results for “guarantee”.

Spelling and style variations

We use British English spelling, and the search engine does not look for variations. For example, searching for “authorize” will not return results for “authorise”.


Symbols such as + - / % & are ignored.





Type “common” AND “law” to find results containing both words. This is the default behaviour of our search and so using AND is not necessary unless combined with other operators.




Type “common” OR “law” to find results containing either word.


“Inverted commas”


Type a phrase in inverted commas to find the exact phrase only.



Use brackets to create more complex queries with operators. For example, “performance” AND (“bond” OR “guarantee”) will look for “performance” and either “bond” or “guarantee”.