Afriwise Blog

SDG7 and the Journey to Nigeria’s 2060 Net Zero Emission Target: A Bird’s Eye View

Written by Templars | 23/02/2022

In 2019, the Nigerian Government, through the Rural Electrification Agency, developed a model to determine the most cost-effective solution to achieving 100% electrification in the nation. The model revealed that 100% electrification by 2024 would require new connections to be deployed from solar home systems, grid extensions and new mini-grid systems. However, this model was criticized for not incorporating clean cooking and other productive uses for energy (e.g., ammonia, methanol production).


Following the Nation’s announcement at the COP 26 of its commitment to achieve a net zero emissions target by 2060, the Nigerian Government has now updated the model by launching1
the “Integrated Energy Planning Tool” (IEPT). The IEPT is an interactive platform designed to provide intelligence to public and private sector stakeholders to deliver the most cost-effective access to electricity and clean cooking in Nigeria.

This technology driven planning platform, powered by geospatial modelling, will support the country’s ambition of achieving SDG 7 - which is the pursuit of universal energy access by 2030 and will also drive the commitment to net - zero emissions by 2060.


In outlining the pathway to net zero by 2060, the Nigerian Government recognizes the need for a transformative transition. Instructively, the tool provides the mix of technologies required to achieve universal access targets for:


  • universal residential electrification,
  • institutional electrification,
  • clean cooking (i.e., LPG and Biogas);
  • and powering productive uses.


The tool also provides clarity on the investment and funding requirements to implement the
strategies. The various strategies include mini grid development, solar home systems, grid extensions and commercialization of gas to LPG and production of bio-gas.





Read the original publication at Templars.