Afriwise Blog

Ratification of Convention No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

Written by Sal & Caldeira Advogados | 5/06/2024

On May 15, 2024, through Resolution No. 4/2024, of May 15, the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique ratified Convention No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization.

The Convention No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work (the "Convention") came into effect on the date of its publication, May 15, 2024 and aims to establish a robust legal framework to prevent, combat, and eliminate all forms of violence and harassment in the workplace. This convention places significant responsibilities on States, emphasizing the importance of their role in creating and implementing public policies that ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all employees.


Among the key points addressed by the Convention are the need to develop and pass comprehensive legislation and regulations that broadly addresses violence and harassment at work, the promotion of effective enforcement mechanisms, and ensuring that victims have access to appropriate resources and support. The Convention also emphasizes the importance of including issues of violence and harassment in educational and training programs to raise awareness and equip both employees and employers.


Furthermore, the Convention emphasizes the importance of protecting vulnerable groups, encouraging States to adopt specific measures to ensure that all employees, including those in vulnerable situations, are protected against violence and harassment.

The ratification of the Convention by the Republic of Mozambique represents a significant step in strengthening employees' rights and creating a safer and more equitable work environment, in a context of prevalence of gender-based violence in the country. The effective implementation of this Convention may contribute to the evolution of the legal framework towards reducing violence and harassment at work, promoting a culture of respect and dignity in the workplace throughout the country.


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