Afriwise Blog

Nigerian Communications Commission Publishes Draft Telecommunications Networks Interconnection Regulations

Written by Aluko & Oyebode | 8/05/2024

The Nigerian Communications Commission in exercise of its functions under the Nigerian Communications Act has published three draft regulations and guidelines for stakeholders’ comments. The draft documents seek to amend and repeal the existing regulations and guidelines.


Below are some highlights of the drafts:




The draft Telecommunications Network Interconnection Regulations 2024 seeks to amend the Telecommunications Network Interconnection Regulations 2007 which provides for the rights and obligations, procedures, principles and dispute resolution mechanism for interconnection arrangement between and amongst licensed communication operators in the communication industry. This draft contains only minor changes which includes a trend to change the term “Telecommunications” to “Communications” in the NCC’s regulatory documents.


The draft Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunication Operators 2024 which seeks to amend the Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Operators 2012, applies to network facilities providers and stipulates the procedure for granting approval by the NCC for the disconnection of a licensee in an interconnection arrangement. The draft, amongst others, now includes simplified tables of procedures for (a) application to disconnect and (b) response to such application to the NCC on the basis of indebtedness.


Thirdly, the draft Dispute Resolution Guidelines 2024 seeks to amend the Dispute Resolution Guidelines 2004 which provides short form procedure applicable for small claims consumer dispute arbitration within the communications sector. The guideline principally seeks to increase the monetary threshold for its application. The draft applies to small claims dispute involving amounts not exceeding N10,000,000 (Ten million naira) which is a significant threshold increase from N1,000,000 (One million naira) in the current Dispute Resolution Guidelines of 2004.




Understandably, the above changes would have significant impact on the telecommunication ecosystem. The NCC has therefore invited stakeholders and interested parties to review and make written submissions on the draft regulations and guidelines before the final documents are published. Interested parties are expected to review and make their submission, on or before, 10 May 2024, in printed form or electronic format detailing their comments on the draft regulations and guidelines. All submissions can be sent via emailt o Msyuduf@Ncc.Gov.Ng and Cwhyte@Ncc.Gov.Ng.


Furthermore, public inquiries in respect of the draft regulatory documents have been scheduled to hold on the 21st and 22nd of May,2024 at the NCC headquarters in Abuja. Stakeholders and interested parties can access the draft documents on the NCC Website.



Read the original publication at Aluko & Oyebode