On December 27, Law no. 12/23 was published in the Official Gazette, approving the new General Labour Law (Lei Geral do Trabalho – new LGT), which comes into force within 90 days of its publication.
The new LGT revokes Law no. 7/15, of June 15, which was subject of Rectification no. 15/15, of October 2, and all the additional legislation that contradicts it.
The new legislation brings important changes to labour relationships, aimed at promoting a fairer, more balanced labour environment in line with the needs of today's market.
We highlight the following main changes introduced by the new LGT and their potential impact on companies:
The provision of the legal criteria of preference for selecting the employees to be dismissed within the process of dismissal for objective causes and in collective redundancies.
This Legal Alert is only intended to introduce the most relevant changes brought by the new General Labour Law and is, therefore, not exhaustive.
In this context, we recommend that our Clients review their agreements, internal policies and human resources procedures to ensure compliance with the new General Labour Law, approved by Law no. 12/23, of December 27.
Read the original publication at ALC Advogados.